An interview with AlcoBloc™ CEO Yolanda Gonzales

How did AlcoBloc start?

CEO, Yolanda Gonzales, was responsible for the international sales for Lifeloc Technologies which is a forerunner in the professional portable breath alcohol testing devices (PBT) in the United States.  During her tenure there Ms. Gonzales noticed some gaps in the product line, while of her ideas were implemented one was not. She left Lifeloc to pursue this idea, a flexible, easy to use & economical interlock system.  Interlocks AKA BAIID (Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device) are breathalysers that are hard wired into a vehicle to help discourage drunk driving. These are usually court mandated and unfortunately not all courts encourage their usage. With interlocks, once connected to the designated vehicle (and only that particular vehicle), it can only be started if the driver blows into the connected breathalyser and gives a negative breath alcohol reading. Ms. Gonzales recognized a need in the market for a device that was:

  • Flexible – so it could be attached to ANY vehicle (car, truck, bus, motorcycle, boat etc.), device (tractor, heave equipment, etc.) or item (storage unit, trailer, wine cabinet, etc.). It is not hard wired so if it needs to be moved to another item or vehicle, it can be. Plus the AlcoBloc™ Safety Device allows for growth, new kits can be added and upgraded if needed.
  • Economical – Current devices require an installation fee and monthly maintenance fees. These charges by the interlock companies can be quite expensive and costs add up.  The AlcoBloc™ Safety Device is self-owned, there are no monthly maintenance fees and compared to the monthly fees of standard interlocks, AlcoBloc™ pays for itself in a matter of months, making it more accessible to anyone who wishes to protect their property and more importantly, lives.
  • State-of-the-art – Most interlocks don’t provide real time verification of who is taking the test, when & where. Currently most interlock systems have limited security and proof of ID.  AlcoBloc™ is controlled by a custom smart phone app so that when the breath test is initiated, a picture is taken via the end users phone (or table) which is then sent to the Account Manager/Administrator via email with all the test data.  Plus they have access to the AlcoBloc™ Data Server which stores the information. There the Administrator can login, personalize their account & review all test data. And have the ability to add devices to their account if they so desire. With the versatility of AlcoBloc™, large business owners can control the access to their equipment as well as any parent/spouse who wishes to control access to the family car!

Hence the creation of AlcoBloc™ Safety Device…Don’t Risk It, Bloc It.

How does AlcoBloc work?

AlcoBloc™ is very easy to use and to install. It comes in Kit form, the Full Kit comes with a Bluetooth professional breath alcohol tester, Bluetooth robust padlock, One Smartphone Download & a flexible yet tamper proof cable to enhance usability.  These two BT devices are controlled by the AlcoBloc™ custom smart phone app. Once an AlcoBloc™ Kit is purchased, Administrator simply secures any Equipment/Vehicle/Bike/Device they wish to protect with AlcoBloc™ padlock provided. The person/employee wishing to access the locked, using the downloaded app, blows into the AlcoBloc™ PBT. Once test is initiated, photo is generated via the app for proof of ID of the Subject. This photo and all test data including GPS, is stored in AlcoBloc™ Data Server and is sent via email to Account Manager/Administrator, if desired. The AlcoBloc™ padlock will only open when a Negative Breath Test is performed. If there is alcohol detected in the system, the lock will remain closed.

I’ve read that it can be used on vehicles and building sites but where else can you use it?

Because of its flexibility, AlcoBloc™ can be used on anything that will allow a padlock to be attached to it or with the assistance of the flexible, tamper proof cable that comes with the AlcoBloc™ Full Kit.

Why should people use AlcoBloc?

In 2019 report the World Health Organization (WHO) said that: Around 2.3 billion people around the world currently consume alcohol and that 28% of the deaths reported were due to alcohol related injuries (traffic crashes, self-harm and interpersonal violence). An estimated 2.3 billion people are current drinkers and alcohol is consumed by more than half of the population in three WHO regions – the Americas, Europe and the Western Pacific and current trends point to an expected increase in global alcohol per capita consumption in the next 10 years. And according to the Alcohol Facts and Statistics Survey of June 2021 from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH):

  • 85.6 percent of people ages 18 and older reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime
  • 69.5 percent reported that they drank in the past year and
  • In 2010, alcohol misuse cost the United States $249.0 billion.

Alcohol consumption is not decreasing, quite the contrary. Business owners large & small, parents & concerned family members, should be able to protect the lives of their employees & loved ones, as well as their property from someone under the influence of alcohol.

What are the best features of AlcoBloc?

AlcoBloc™ is easy to use and economical.  It allows anyone to protect and save lives & property from someone under the influence of alcohol.

What’s the future for AlcoBloc – do you have new products in development?

Because useability of the AlcoBloc™ Safety Device is limitless, so is it’s future.  YATAG Security, the designer of AlcoBloc™ is always thinking of new ways to help protect lives and property.  Currently an app that mirrors the AlcoBloc™ Safety Device is in design. It will help secure property and lives, but in this case from someone who is impaired due to drugs, lack of sleep, etc. Stay tuned!