Elf ‘n’ safety or self and safety?

Hi, as part of my own health and safety journey, learning and development, carrying out some research for my professional body and in order to be a better professional. Please could I ask you to take the time to complete this poll (just 9 short questions) to help me better understand why you believe health and safety gets such a bad reputation (up until now that is). I like to be fresh with my ideas, and think we should communicate an important message (looking after yourself and others) consistently but consider the different ways in which a message can be communicated.

I’m sure like me, you have seen those social media posts ‘a trip down memory lane (before health and safety) took over’, heard the likes of celebrities talking about red tape and heard of some pretty awful banning of fun activities for trivial reasons. I wonder whether health and safety has taken over life or whether there are other reasons to consider. Like most of us, I enjoy fun and I’ve been partial to a bit of adventurous activities done in a safe manner.

Since it’s introduction by parliament, the law surrounding health and safety (up until 2007) has reduced fatalities by 73% – pretty successful right? I await your points of view to see what else can be done differently to change this stereotypical viewpoint in society.

Thanks in advance, Scott.