HSE People speaks with Tag Search and Select about the PPE job market

We caught up with the team at Tag Search and Select Ltd to gain insight of the PPE job market this year so far.

We spoke with Nick Taglione, Managing Director and he gave us a brief overview of the market:

“We have had another record start to the year and have really diversified in terms of locations internationally, it has been really interesting to help new companies enter new territories and develop their distribution strategies in various countries, the UK has been a little bit stagnant with Brexit concerns but there still has been positive movement from manufacturers mainly. Our network has truly gone global now and we have so many applicants from all over the world, we just wish we could help everybody find their ideal candidate, or help candidates find their perfect role and we try our best with the resources we have to achieve this. We will be starting to develop the Asia Pacific market next but this year our focus is on Americas, Europe and Middle East, as we will be attending all the major trade shows this year and we can’t wait to see what new relationships we can form. Wearable PPE tech has been a big focus for us and is a trend that people need to keep up with as health and safety managers are starting to adopt and integrate these new technologies, it really is an interesting time to be working in PPE, things are changing for the better all the time.”

Zohya Caan at Tag, who has had a huge focus on Europe the last two years said:

“Europe has kept me super busy these last two years and I have picked up some major accounts and recruited some high calibre sales and leadership teams for these clients and now the results are starting to show for our clients, so it has really been a pleasure to see how the Tag team’s work has had a massive impact to our clients sales revenue increases, I’m so lucky to be connected with some great people in the industry and am keen to help more and more. What has been really satisfying is that because we have delivered for our clients, the repeat business just keeps coming which is great for us to be able to forecast how we are going to perform for the year as most of our work is retained and exclusive to us, which makes things so much easier for us to fully commit to our clients.”

Stuart Law at Tag has developed the American, LATAM and Canadian markets. He gave us his thoughts on his success in the market:

“We made a plan to map out the Americas and went to the relevant exhibitions and made some very strong relationships with some major blue chip and some small to medium manufacturers and got a really good understanding of the market. I was really surprised that no-one seemed to really have ownership of the PPE recruitment market out there and my initial introductions to these companies were very well received and the clients loved the fact that we really know how the market works and that we can speak their language when it comes to PPE and distribution. We will be attending the NSC again in September as we already have clients and projects lined up for this and next year, I am really enjoying it and there are some great companies to work for. I have literally just scratched the surface so far but have had massive success, so with some more planning and proactive approaches, I really want to make Tag the go to brand for all PPE/PSA recruitment needs.”

To contact Tag Search and Select Ltd to enquire about how they can help you fill sales and senior management roles in your business, contact nicky@tagsearchandselect.com

Check out the latest jobs from Tag Search and Select – https://www.hsepeople.com/jobs/