National Inclusion Week 2023

What is National Inclusion Week?


National Inclusion Week in the UK is an annual week dedicated to celebrating inclusion and taking action to create inclusive workplaces. It is organized by Inclusive Employers, a charity that works to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

National Inclusion Week 2023 will take place from September 25 to October 1. The theme of this year’s week is “Take Action Make Impact.” This theme is a call to action for everyone in the workplace, from leaders to individual employees, to take steps to create a more inclusive workplace.

There are a number of ways to get involved in National Inclusion Week. Businesses can host events and activities to promote inclusion, such as unconscious bias training, diversity and inclusion workshops, and employee resource groups. Individual employees can also get involved by attending events, learning more about inclusion, and speaking out against discrimination and exclusion.

National Inclusion Week is an important opportunity to raise awareness about the importance of inclusion in the workplace and to take steps to create a more inclusive world for everyone.

Here are some specific examples of events and activities that businesses and individuals can participate in during National Inclusion Week:

  • Host a diversity and inclusion workshop or training session.
  • Create an employee resource group for a marginalized group.
  • Invite speakers from marginalized groups to share their experiences.
  • Hold a potluck lunch or other event where employees can learn about different cultures.
  • Start a book club or discussion group to read about diversity and inclusion topics.
  • Volunteer with an organization that supports marginalized groups.
  • Speak out against discrimination and exclusion whenever you see it.

By taking these steps, we can all help to create a more inclusive and equitable world for everyone.