Peoplesafe App – a round the clock solution keeping staff safe

If you’re looking for a safety solution that will provide reassurance for your workforce in these uncertain times, a simple to use, cost effective app could be the answer.  

Technology based safety specialists, Peoplesafe recently launched a new version of their personal safety app to specifically protect low-risk workers while still providing live, round the clock assistance for employees during the working day as well as outside of working hours.

With more people working alone than ever before, the app is a way of providing constant reassurance and, should it be required, immediate assistance – no matter the hour or day of the week.  

It has been designed by personal safety experts to be straightforward and swift to use. 

A unique service with direct access to emergency services

Should something serious happen to a member of staff where emergency assistance is required, an SOS alarm can be triggered at the tap of a screen. This connects users to Peoplesafe’s Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) which is staffed by a team of trained specialists ready to provide assistance and advice.

Unlike similar app services that will send alerts and notifications to specific personal contacts, the Peoplesafe App is supported by a team of professional alarm handlers who can assess the situation and contact the appropriate emergency service should the need arise.  

Through Unique Reference Numbers (URNs) obtained by having the relevant accreditations and experience, Peoplesafe also has direct access to all UK police constabularies, with the ability to bypass the 999 service. This saves valuable time and enables an emergency response team to arrive on the scene in the quickest time possible.

If a user feels threatened or unsafe and holds down the SOS Alarm button for one second, on average, their alarm will be answered by an ARC Controller in under six seconds. Similarly, an alarm can be raised discreetly either by shaking the phone or pressing the lock button a set number of times, depending on the handset.

In the event that an alarm is raised, the call is automatically recorded and is admissible as evidence, should the need arise.

An essential service that keeps your people safe 24/7

Whether your staff are working unsociable hours, commuting on public transport, walking home or just working from home, the Peoplesafe app provides an extra layer of protection, helping users to feel that little bit safer and more reassured.

2021 saw some high profile attacks on lone women, with the Sarah Everard story being the most widely reported. The Peoplesafe app is – crucially – available to users even if it is a non-work related emergency such as this. With such tragic stories fresh in our minds, offering a safety app as part of the employment package is a perk that could help with recruitment and retention. 

The app is available on iOS and Android devices and is quick and easy to install.  Users can choose how much personal information to share when they install the app on their device.

GPS location sharing

The app has a share location feature that allows users to share their live GPS position with chosen personal contacts such as family, friends or a colleague if they find themselves in a position or location that they are not comfortable with. They can do this via SMS, WhatsApp or Facebook messenger at any point.

It is important to know that Peoplesafe will only ever be able to view a user’s location in the event of an alarm being activated. This will enable them to get assistance to the user, even if they cannot talk at the time.  


From hospital workers and bar staff to city bankers and security staff, many people have to commute during unsociable hours or travel alone, increasing their vulnerability. 

Recent research found that 91% of hospitality workers feel unsafe when travelling home from work*. Finding ways to minimise this vulnerability and support staff is crucial for firms aiming to improve employee wellbeing. 

The ability to share their location with loved ones offers a bit more peace of mind for all concerned – and knowing that the SOS Alarm is there should it be needed gives a commuter confidence to get on with their journey. 

Mental wellbeing

Taking care of our mental health is just as important as safeguarding our physical safety. With a new, hybrid approach to home and office working, more workers are finding themselves alone than ever before.

Lone workers can run an increased risk of falling prey to poor mental health and having the reassurance of the app, should they encounter a dangerous situation, fall ill or have an accident can certainly help as a coping mechanism.  

This offers companies the chance to provide reassurance to their staff – particularly those working remotely and who may be struggling with their mental health.

Employee engagement

As well as helping to meet duty of care responsibilities as an employer, the Peoplesafe app can also be seen as a perk of the job. Even if someone feels unsafe or unwell and alone outside of working hours, the app can still be used at no extra cost.  

The same principle applies – users can contact highly trained staff at Peoplesafe’s ARC in order to access a fast, expert support service. 

Retail worker abuse

With frustration running high over the continued restrictions put in place due to the pandemic, 2021 saw a well documented increase in incidents of either verbal or physical abuse of retail workers.  

Fortunately, the government has approved legislation that will make the abuse of retail workers a specific offense. Whilst that may well work as a deterrent in many instances, there will still be ‘heat of the moment’ incidents where staff need protection.  

Other protection and communication devices may already be in use for situations such as this but providing a simple-to-use app that will connect a member of staff to assistance in a matter of seconds at no extra cost offers further peace of mind as well as assistance should it be required.

Peoplesafe Pro – for high risk employees

There are employees whose very job is high risk, such as people who work at height, those entering people’s homes and staff interacting with members of the general public in social spaces. 

These sorts of high risk jobs – especially those where the employee is working alone – need further safety measures in place. Workers are more prone to slipping, tripping, falling or getting hurt whilst operating machinery for instance.  

Peoplesafe Pro is a more advanced smartphone app specifically for lone and ‘at risk’ workers and is currently used by thousands of high-risk employees across the country.

Accredited to the BS 8484:2016 standard, it includes additional features to provide peace of mind and emergency assistance. It has fall detection capabilities so that even if the user has hurt themselves to the point of losing consciousness after falling, an alarm can automatically be raised.

Peoplesafe Pro also has the ability to log activities as well as a check in/check out functionality which will raise an alert should a worker fail to check out after completing a high-risk task.  By making this part of standard working protocol, employers can ensure their staff have started and ended their day safely. 

This high performance app provides protection to more vulnerable high risk and  lone workers, particularly those who do not have access to back-up from nearby colleagues. 

Naz Dossa, CEO, Peoplesafe 

“The Peoplesafe app enables businesses to extend their duty of care to all employees during and beyond the working day. The mental health and wellbeing of staff has risen to the fore, particularly over the past 18 months and this technology can make a huge difference to the level and speed of support available to employees.

This is a considerable perk for employees and could help with the recruitment and retention of high calibre staff.

“The app is more than just a panic button: our Alarm Receiving Centre answers SOS alarms in a matter of seconds, offering anyone total peace of mind that they can access live, 24/7 support and send for help whenever and wherever they need it.”

More information is available at Peoplesafe App Personal Safety Solution.