SafeGuard e-magazine: Focusing on Women’s Workplace Wellbeing


The April edition of SAFEGUARD – The Definitive Guide to PPE and Safety Products will be focusing on women in safety and PPE. We have previously published two editions of this digital publication with incredible support and success. HSE People has always been a massive advocate of workplace equality and equity, so much so we have created a petition to add specific provision for women to regulations on PPE in the workplace – Add specific provision for women to regulations on PPE in the workplace – Petitions (

This e-magazine will go into the email inbox of over 150,000 professionals and will be hugely promoted on LinkedIn using our network, features will include –
📌The latest women’s PPE
📌Menopause and menstruation
📌Product reviews
📌Toilet and sanitary facilities in the workplace
📌Pregnancy PPE
📌Inclusion and diversity
📌Influencers and rising stars
📌Allies – nominate to appreciate
📌and much more…

If you would like to find out more please contact