The Safety Coach Academy – Creating a Positive Culture

At the Safety coach academy, we tend to look at training a little differently. We feel that it is crazy to think that someone is trained after just a 4 hour workshop, in truth; all that has happened is that they have been introduced to a new concept, a new way of working, a different way of thinking. This then only has effect when it is followed up with consistent coaching until a new behavior has been conditioned.

This is one of the main reasons we developed a new range of behavioural safety posters, the idea is that they complement the training and serve a visual reminders while in the work place. However, they are not limited to complimenting the training. So far, we have had lots of positive feedback from our customers that our range of posters get more attention than any other safety poster they have used, they say that quite simply they are different and more importantly, thought provoking.

































































To order any of the above posters, please click on the image