Storm Isha – Sellafield Makes Precautionary Closure

As Storm Isha rages across the UK, the sprawling Sellafield nuclear site in Cumbria decided to err on the side of caution and shut down operations on Sunday night. This proactive safety measure came in response to severe weather warnings issued for the region, with the aim of protecting both employees and the facility itself.

The centre’s statement emphasised that the closure was not due to any immediate threat at Sellafield, but rather a preventative step to ensure a safe shutdown of operational plants in anticipation of worsening weather conditions. Employees were given the option to leave early so they could travel home safely before the brunt of the storm hit.

Storm Isha is wreaking havoc across the country, causing widespread disruption and chaos. London commuters have faced major hurdles, with many regions experiencing power outages due to the powerful winds, reaching up to 99mph in some areas.

Around 200 homes in southern and central Wales plunged into darkness earlier today, according to the National Grid. While specific figures for North Wales remain unavailable from ScottishPower, their outage map paints a clear picture of numerous affected postcodes in the region.

The full extent of Storm Isha’s impact is still unfolding, but Sellafield’s swift and prudent decision highlights the importance of prioritising safety during such unpredictable weather events.