Find out more about HSE People Panel Member Darcie Jaremey

The HSE People Panel is made up of specialists across different areas who have volunteered to share their insight and experience with the HSE People network

How did you get started in the industry?

I first learned about Ergonomics in one of my undergraduate courses – Introduction to Kinesiology. I was fortunate because at Dalhousie University (Halifax, Canada) I was able to focus my studies with wonderful mentors and professors. From there I landed some very competitive Ergonomics Internships and started my Masters of Ergonomics from the University of Derby, distance ed.

Do you have a motto or saying that you live by?

There’s never a perfect time to start, if you wait to have something 100% perfect then you’ve waited too long, iterate while you make progress. Take that leap of faith!

Who or what inspires you?

I feel so fortunate to be working in a field that I’m truly passonate about. I help other Ergonomics Consultants with marketing and ergonomics skill-building and watching them grow, succeed, try new things, truly inspires me to do the same and to continue adding value to their development!

If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It doesn’t sound too exciting but I love me a good chicken salad sandwich with fresh bread. I could eat this for every meal!

What advice would you give to someone looking to getting started in the industry?

It’s so important to have good mentorship to avoid costly wasted time. I’ve been so fortunate that I’ve come across wonderful mentors in my school and professional career and I look to do the same for others who are interested in ergonomics.

How do you unwind and relax?

At the end of a busy day I find that watching a short little movie in bed (I know not the most ergonomic!) is a lovely way to unwind before I fall asleep!

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years, the program that my company ergonomicsHelp runs called Accelerate: The Business of Ergonomics is continuing to provide immense value to its members and is attracting high-calibre Healthcare Professionals and Ergonomics Consultants who are hungry to build their businesses and serve their communities with ergonomics (and related) services.  My members are receiving a steady-flow of clients, they are working when and where they like to, and they are incredibly satisfied with their revenue and business. Accelerate is the #1 program in the world for Ergonomics Consultants looking to grow their businesses.

Would you recommend a career in the HSE industry?

Absolutely. There are so many ways that we can provide value and serve our communities. Whether you are looking for this as a service that’s aligned with what you’re already doing professionally or looking to go “all-in” I feel like it’s never been a better time to get started.

Thanks Darcie, we’re thrilled to have you on board! If you have a question you would like to ask Brendon or another member of the HSE People Panel let us know