Health & Safety Executive: Inspections to Target the Waste Sector

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) has published a workplan for the waste sector, stating that in the fourth quarter of 2020/21 (January-March) it will target the two issues which account for the majority of fatalities in the sector – workplace transport and machinery guarding.

According to the HSE, during the last five years there have been an average of nine fatalities every year in the waste industry, the majority of fatal injuries relating to transport, being struck by objects and machinery.

The fatality rate is around 18 times greater than the rate across all industries per 100,000 workers, the HSE added.

The following questions will be asked by Inspectors visiting the sites –

  • What processes are carried out and equipment used?
  • Are control measures adequate to manage the risks?
  • If control measures are not adequate, what are the specific control failings (i.e. control measures not being identified, used, checked, or maintained)?
  • Was there a Material Breach(es) or Enforcement action taken?
  • Are there any management failings (e.g. policy, planning, information, training, supervision, monitoring, competence, leadership)?
  • Was there any safety guidance involvement?

The HSE is also actively asking for paperwork showing Covid-19 security measures adopted in the work place, and is carrying out targeted inspections across the UK.