Meet a HSE People Champion – Simon Jones

HSE People is proud to be working with a team of Champions to raise the profile of the HSE industry and to support our members. Today we speak with Simon Jones, a Head of HSE for NRS Healthcare. 

What is your job title, where do you work and what do you do?

Head of HSE currently for NRS Healthcare – looking after all things HSE related and leading the HSE Team. I hold Fellowship with both IOSH and IIRSM, am a NEBOSH examiner, mentor and soon to be NVQ portfolio assessor. I’m also the author of “The Safety Salesman” books.

Why did you want to become an HSE People Champion?                           

I am keen to develop future interest in this profession and help develop people.      

Who or what inspires you? 

Seeing good people do good things and succeeding. 

What are you excited about for 2023? 

2023 – Sees the release of my second book “The Safety Salesman : Big Mouth Writes Again” in February, so more work around that – podcasts, interviews and of course becoming a HSE People Champion.

If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Well my favourite superhero is Batman and his superpower was that he was very rich, so I’ll have some of that!

Describe yourself in three words. 

Dad’s Taxi Service

Thanks Simon, we’re looking forward to working together and excited for the publication of your next book!!